Stegosaurus Rex

Under the name of Stegosaurus Rex, Bay Area musician Max Chen blends seemingly disparate musical genres into a unique, coherent sound. He has continuously evolved and...

Rebounder is the project of New York City native producer and writer Dylan Chenfeld, with his brother . Joined by Cobey Arner and Zack Kantor. Rebounder has toured with the likes...

A side-project of CLAVVS’s Amber Renee and Graham Marsh, Dayaway's PR team see them on the cusp for superstardom, with a style that strays somewhere between the dreamy pop of...
Mademoiselle K

http://www.mademoisellek.frMademoiselle K is a french indie rock band. "Mademoiselle" means "Miss" in english, the "K" refers to the band leader Katerin Gierak. The band is...
Chinese American Bear

Chinese American Bear is a bubbly C-Pop duo (Bryce and Anne) creating Chinese / English tunes that bring together their cultural experiences and backgrounds
Magic Wands

Magic Wands are a girl/guy duo formed by Chris and Dexy Valentine. They met in Hollywood in 2007 outside a gig while Chris was visiting Los Angeles from Nashville,Tennessee. A...
Jack J

Jack J (Jack Jutson) is one half of Pender Street Steppers and a core member of the Mood Hut collective.

Yoodoo Park, known by his stage name GRMLN, is a Japanese-American musician. He was born in Kyoto, Japan, raised and currently performs in Orange County, Southern California....
Peel Dream Magazine

Peel Dream Magazine is the nom de plume of Los Angeles-based musician Joe Stevens. A nod to BBC Radio 1 legend John Peel, arbiter of all things underground, Peel Dream Magazine...
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